Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Teen Culture: Pregnancy in High School

Teens these days are judged on just about everything. The last thing any teenager wants is for other peers to talk behind their backs. That is why I chose to write about teenage pregnancy . This has become a much bigger issue that it used to be mainly because teens have become careless. To me, this seems like the first mistake. If high school is so “horrible” anyways why give more of a reason to be made fun of by getting pregnant in high school? The only legitimate reason I could think of is the being careless issue but maybe there is something I am missing here.
I don’t know if teenage pregnancy has become an aspect of teen culture but it has definitely become a teen issue. The only way that this can be prevented is by the obvious methods of using protecting or by using abstinence to the teens advantage, But those are really the only preventive ways that I could think of. It would be nice to think that this could change but honestly there might not be a solution. Is there a way society could change this issue?? Can this be prevented?
Positive Pregnancy Test

            Not that having a baby in high school is a bad thing but it is provided to be an obstacles to overcome for most teenagers. Some parents are very willing to help which takes the pressure off the teen in high school. Other parents are very against the idea of this as a whole. Nothing is worse than a parent not standing by their child when they’ve made a mistake. What I am trying to say is that by trying to avoid getting pregnant, life will most likely be a lot easier while in high school. If teens don’t feel that this issue isn’t seen as an issue or isn’t important then I hope they make the right choice. Because as soon as this situation becomes reality for a teenager, most of them do realize how important it is to be responsible. The point of this this article is to THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!!

1 comment:

  1. The 5 W's in the article are covered very well. The who is covered by the teens, the why is why people care about the issue, where is everywhere, what is teen pregnancy, and the when is now! The article was a story telling article, describing what the problem is. I really liked the topic of the article because it grabbed the attention of a teen reader. The one thing that could improve was to keep focus on the information and not on what you think.
