Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"9" Movie Review!

"When our world ended,
their mission began."
In the movie 9, you are introduced to many numbered rag dolls. None of the dolls have actual names because they are all identified by numbers 1-9. When the movie begins, you encounter the main character number 9 (played by Elijah Wood) . Through the beginning credits of the film, it shows how number 9 is created and it is clear that he was made by a human. Though, there are no words in the beginning of the movie, actions make it very clear what is going on.

When the movie starts to progress, 9 wakes up only to realize he is alone in a world that is desolate. Once outside and vulnerable, 9 comes across a car that has two bodies inside. This symbolizes and alerts the viewers that civilization has pretty much been wiped out. The question to still find an answer to is how did the world end up this way? Stunned, 9 stops for a moment then treks on in search for anything that could be of potential help to him. He eventually comes across something that resembles himself. Once this happens in the movie, it comes clear to 9, and the viewers, that he isn’t the only doll in the film. He becomes hopeful to find even more. The doll he runs into turns out to be number 2 (played by Martin Landau).

9, fighting off one of the beasts.
9 and 2 seem to be very similar but 2 seems to be slightly older in comparison. Once the two meet, 2 helps 9 install a voice box that he pulls out from another doll lying on the ground. The first thing 9 says is “Friend”. Their bond was instant.

Now this is when the story gets a little complicated. Right after meeting they both come in contact with their first mortal enemy. They try to split up and escape the wrath of the monster but only one gets away. That one is number 9. He escapes by hiding is a mutilated soup can, as it is the only place he could be where the monster couldn’t reach in and get him. After all of this madness, 9 eventually ends up in an old church that looked like it was destroyed by a fighter plane due to the war. In an instant he is communicating with other rag dolls just like him. He meets 1 ( played by Christopher Plummer), 3 and 4, who are twins that do not speak. They are special catalogers that examine everything they see by taking pictures of it with their minds eye. He also meets 1’s right-hand man, number 8 (played by Fred Tatasicore). Among the others, he meets numbers 7 (Jennifer Connelly), 6 (Crispin Glover) and 5 (John C.Reilly).

From left; 5, 6 and 9.
After introductions, the group decides to go looking for 2. They form a team and they come up with a game plan. They decide that they need to go to the source. The first place they think to go is the factory. The one thing they don’t know is, living in the factory is the biggest beast of all. They go about their business and find where 2 has been taken. As soon as they go to set him free, they activate THE BRAIN. Realizing that it was a trap all along, and realizing that they now have a huge problem on their hands they start to run. But this machine was too fast for 2. Basically it sucks 2’s soul into itself and leave 2’s lifeless body on the ground.

Running from THE BRAIN.
This beast is clearly not like the other ones that the dolls have encountered. It is much more of an intense monster with a lot of extra baggage. This one isn’t only harder to fight off than the others but it is after a talisman, something that would definitely answer all of the dolls questions as to why they were created and what use they are to this unfamiliar world. After all, it holds clues to all of their answers. This is why they decide that working together may be difficult but in the long run it will get them all what they want.

9, holding the talisman and ultimately
defeating THE BRAIN.  
Along their journey they do end up loosing a lot of team members. Some die, some go missing, but 9 never does and he is one of the few. Throughout the movie, he becomes a hero in a way. To me, he stood out as a clear leader among the rest. He was the most ambitious in finding the answers to most of every one's questions that nobody else could answer. His ambition was probably one of the biggest reasons others looked up to him and followed him.

If you haven’t already seen this movie it is highly recommended that you do. It has proven itself to be an outstanding film by leaving it’s viewers in shock. With intense scenes and mysteries throughout, I can honestly say that there is nothing like it before. So go see “9” now! :)


  1. I really liked the summary part of the review however it was the majority of the writing. You were very clear to what happened in the movie, however there was not really a background of how the movie was made. Also the amount of your opinion was very small complared to the recap. The links were very helpful however and made up for the lack of background. Finally the pictures really popped.
    -Jillian B.

  2. The review's background is very thorough and detailed, and paints a picture of the whole storyline. The pictures and links add to the overall greatness of this review by visually entertaining the reader. The summary is very clear and to the point, but very detailed as well. The article has a semi-formal tone that fits well with the review.

  3. You had a good background on the film and you had a great use of your pictures and links. Your tone was very friendly and laid back, which was refreshing. I liked your opinion throughout your review and your analysis of the film. Overall you did a really good job.
    ~Malainie B.

  4. Excellent recap of the movie. It was very clear and precise. The background was thorough and gave lots of details. The tone of the review was partly friendly and partly formal. It had a nice flow and extremely easy to read and understand. There could have been a bit more opinion or analysis of the movie, but overall the review is very well written.
    -Brittany S.
