Sunday, April 22, 2012

Recommendation Report

To: Consumer
From: Jenna Hill
Subject: Where to Shop!

In this report I will be comparing two different grocery stories depending on size, selection and Pricing. Residents in San Diego have been trying to find stores with healthier and more fresh selections of food. The stores I will be comparing are Fresh & Easy and Trader Joe's. Depending on which one fits the residents expectations better, I will then recommend the better choice

1.  Size
2.  Selection
3.  Price


The location I recommend between the two is Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's always pleases it'd customers expectations with selection and size but certain people do think that this store is a little small. People seem to still shop here regardless. Overall it's a great place to shop!



1. Trader Joe's- The location is very small compared to other grocery stores. I am not sure what the capacity is but usually when a lot of customers are in the store at once, it can get kind of crowded. Sometimes it is hard to move your cart around to different displays.

2. Fresh & Easy- This location is super spacious and all of the items in this store are spread out really well. It isn't ever too crowded which makes mobility throughout the area very easy. It is easy to shop very quickly.


1. Trader Joe's- All of the items sold in this store are extremely healthy. They always have fresh produce and most food items and vitamins are organic. All of their items are made for the Trader Joe's chain only so there are not any other brand names sold.

2. Fresh & Easy- Healthy products are sold here as well but a majority of this store items are not all that great for you. Some things are organic and some things aren't which might be a turn off for some people. The produce is always very clean and fresh. Although the store is bigger, it sells less products than Trader Joe's. Some of the products that are sold are also only distributed to Fresh & Easy stores.


1. Trader Joe's- The items sold here are not cheap but they aren't overpriced for the quality. Some things are more expensive but only by a few more dollars than you find elsewhere.

2. Fresh & Easy- The items sold here are cheap for the most part. You get a lot of food here for a lesser price but you have to remember that most food sold here isn't all that healthy either.


If you are looking for a store that gives you good food for reasonable prices then I'd recommend Trader Joe's. It's clearly the better choice. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

10 Elements on Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra was born on December 12, 1915, in Hoboken New Jersey.

When Frank was born, his family consisted of his Dad (Anthony Martin) and his Mom (Natalie “Dolly” Della). Both of his parents were immigrants and came to the US to find a better life here. He always was an only child and because of that he was very lonely growing up.

Since Frank was an only child, he felt lonelier than most other children. His parents were both very ambitious and busy getting involved in activities that kept that kept them away from home most of the time. His mother was too involved in movements and organizations to be home and care for her young son. While he was younger, he went through regular schooling and right out of school, he married Nancy Barbado, the mother of all three of his future children.

Considering Frank grew up to become one of the greatest singers of all time, his hobbies and interests revolved around singing too. He was to live and breathe music and he made sure to chase after his dreams.

When he was first married, he clearly had a wandering eye while he was on tour. Because of his fame and good looks women just couldn’t stay away. Frank always wanted a loving family due to the lack of one while he was growing up. He eventually became a father to three children; Nancy, Frankie, and Tina. They were the apple of his eye. Because of Franks connection to women, his marriage didn’t work out as he or Nancy wished but he never let his kids down and was always there when they needed him.

His career consisted of a lot of traveling and fame and women. Even though he became insanely famous, he had his share of rough patches and rocky starts. He experienced money hardships, shows that were far from being “sold out”, and other situations that would be hard for most people. Turns out all he needed to do was give it some time and musical talent take over. That worked very well for him as you can tell. His reason for fame was singing but I think just being himself took him a lot further than his music did. He was a whole-hearted person and his kindness was very well spread among the people he loved and his fans as well.

Once Frank got older, he did eventually retire, He settled at his house in Palm Springs and lived the life of a retired and very very wealthy man. He had many connections to popular, political figures and to well-known celebrities so his life was never boring. He also recieved many awards for his career and amazing talent, later in his life. He always had a big heart so of course he always had people to thank for his success. In early 1997, Frank became terminally sick and would later pass away.

Frank Sinatra did pass away on May 14, 1998 from unknown complications. He lived an extremely eventful life, life that anybody would be proud of.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Teen Culture: Pregnancy in High School

Teens these days are judged on just about everything. The last thing any teenager wants is for other peers to talk behind their backs. That is why I chose to write about teenage pregnancy . This has become a much bigger issue that it used to be mainly because teens have become careless. To me, this seems like the first mistake. If high school is so “horrible” anyways why give more of a reason to be made fun of by getting pregnant in high school? The only legitimate reason I could think of is the being careless issue but maybe there is something I am missing here.
I don’t know if teenage pregnancy has become an aspect of teen culture but it has definitely become a teen issue. The only way that this can be prevented is by the obvious methods of using protecting or by using abstinence to the teens advantage, But those are really the only preventive ways that I could think of. It would be nice to think that this could change but honestly there might not be a solution. Is there a way society could change this issue?? Can this be prevented?
Positive Pregnancy Test

            Not that having a baby in high school is a bad thing but it is provided to be an obstacles to overcome for most teenagers. Some parents are very willing to help which takes the pressure off the teen in high school. Other parents are very against the idea of this as a whole. Nothing is worse than a parent not standing by their child when they’ve made a mistake. What I am trying to say is that by trying to avoid getting pregnant, life will most likely be a lot easier while in high school. If teens don’t feel that this issue isn’t seen as an issue or isn’t important then I hope they make the right choice. Because as soon as this situation becomes reality for a teenager, most of them do realize how important it is to be responsible. The point of this this article is to THINK BEFORE YOU ACT!!